
About us



Banking System

Associated Banks


The Banking Association of San Marino was established on December 5, 2002, legally recognized by a decree of the Commissioner of Law on the following February 6, 2003 (decree registered on February 13, 2003, under no. 1856), and registered in the General Registry of Associations at the Court of San Marino under no. 163.

Since the start of its activities, the Association has developed an internal organizational structure to pursue its statutory goals, also relying on the valuable mutual contribution made by its Members within the constituted deliberative and technical-advisory bodies.

To better address the evolutions in the banking and financial sector, support its development, assist it in adhering to international standards, and in its reorganization, also in an international context, the Association has initiated a direct dialogue channel with Institutions and Authorities and has woven a network of contacts with local Stakeholders and, more recently, with foreign counterpart Associations through the privileged channels offered by the European Banking Federation, which it joined as an associate member in May 2014.

In particular, the Association has provided its technical contribution to the Sammarinese Institutions and Authorities, both in terms of sector legislation in production and by taking on broader project initiatives such as “Titano 2018” and the “NPL Project,” presented during dedicated events held, respectively, in December 2012 and March 2017.

Similarly, to support the full integration of Sammarinese banks into the European Payment System, the Association actively participated in the SEPA accession process and, through its representative in the relevant Constituency, has been involved in the work of the Payments Scheme Management Board – PSMB (formerly Scheme Management Board – SMB) of the European Payments Council since 2014.

Currently, the Association is continuing to explore tailor-made development strategies that, also through enhancing online operations and exploring the fintech frontier, enable Sammarinese banking operators to compete in international markets. It aspires for domestic authorized entities to gain access to these markets as soon as possible, both through the signing of specific Agreements at the level of Supervisory Authorities and following the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, for which it serves as a technical-institutional facilitator.

Our last project

Lignes d’action

San Marino, 2 July 2018