About us

About us



Banking System

Associated Banks

About us

The Banking Association of San Marino is a voluntary, non-profit association that aims to promote, within civil society and the banking and financial system, the principles of entrepreneurship for the full realization of a free and competitive market.

Additionally, the Association protects and promotes the reputation and image of the banking and financial system, as well as the common interests of its members, and takes initiatives for the orderly, stable, and efficient growth of the system in a competitive perspective consistent with national and international regulations.

We take care of…

  • 80%: Studies and Debate organization
  • 90%: Regulation Solicitation and innovation
  • 80%: Unit Line settlement
  • 100%: Employment relations
  • 75%: Information Activities

The Association contributes to promoting collaboration with national and international institutions, economic, political, social, and cultural organizations, to achieve broader goals of progress and development. To achieve these institutional purposes, the Association has adopted a Code of Ethics that all members and members of the Board of Directors must adhere to.

In pursuing its objectives, the Association:

a. Organizes studies and debates on banking and financial topics, as well as on general economic and social issues; promotes knowledge dissemination on these topics and encourages information exchange among members or between them and other economic and financial entities.

b. Encourages national and international legislative innovation in areas concerning the banking and financial system.

c. Defines unified guidelines on employment relations and employment policies related to the banking and financial system, as well as relations with workers’ trade unions. Within these guidelines, it protects the interests of members regarding employment relations with employees; represents them in the regulation of employment relations and in the negotiation of collective contracts with workers’ organizations upon specific mandate; and provides information, consulting, and assistance in the field of union relations.

d. Provides information, technical assistance, and consulting services to its members.

e. Collaborates at the national and international level with public administrations and institutions, economic and social organizations, entities, and associations to solve issues related to the credit and financial sector, as well as broader national interest problems.

f. Promotes, with the aim of rationalizing services and respecting the principles of free competition, collaborative initiatives among members.

g. Participates in the conciliatory resolution of ongoing or potential disputes among members and undertakes assignments for this purpose.

h. Conducts any other activity useful for achieving its institutional goals.

The Banking Association of San Marino has its legal headquarters in Dogana (RSM) at Via III Settembre 11.

Our last project

Lignes d’action

San Marino, 2 July 2018